
Thursday 28 June 2012


Richard Heeps has created another book called mans ruin the imagery in this book is varied. Some is subtle colour and some is based around colour. I borrowed the book form the libray and found that I kept going back to it time and time again.

His "Dream in colour" section on his website house's some more (I found) exciting work, here are some examples. The drama in the second image is increadible and although its not colour as such, It is the use of the dark blue that gives it its appearence.

Brad Carlile Is a New York photographer who is quite opposite to Richard heeps in the fact that his work comes across abit over the top but having said that works really well.

Personally I (suprisingly) prefer Brads work. although it is over the top there is no doubt that there is imagination and vision in each of his images.

Exercise - Primary and secondary colours

 ORANGE - secondary colour I like the way it looks agaisnt the green. parts of the butterfly are to the colour wheel but i feel this is mainly like a burnt orange.
 BLUE - Primary colour. The little boys jacket is the colour i was looking for to match the colour wheel.

 YELLOW - Primary colour. This I feel matchs the colour wheel well it may be a little darker but not much.

 VIOLET - Secondary colour. I think some of the flowers match the wheel and some are slightly darker.

RED- Primary colour. This matchs perfect and agaisnt the green of the flowers leaves, it really stands out.

GREEN- Secondary colour. Probably the easiest to find and the hardest to shoot. This is because its all round us but there are so many different shades.

Exercise- Control the stregnth of a colour

 The colour of the red on the apple and the orange stand out alot more than the other images.

Research for assignment 2 - ELEMENTS OF DESIGN

I went for a beach theme for this assignment and to get some inspiration I searched google for some photographers work on the subject and came across some pretty amazing pictures. Tony Howell is a landscape photographer who has produced some amazing work along the coast of cornwall. I love the way he finds things to really draw your attention in to the photo, like this example of st micheals mt.
St Michaels Mount                                         

I also came across the digital photography school. There from australia and alot of there work is based around portrature and memories. I personally loved some of there work as this is the sort of thing I am interested in take this image Black-And-White-BeachThe two girls playing in the water appeals to me and you can see just how much fun they are having.
Also, Beach-WavesI like this image. The lighting and the waves have been captured perfectly (aren't you just waiting for that bloke to run away like a child near the water for the first time?)

These are two of the people I went back to most for inspiration on this assignment I love the way all the images work and tried to use these thoughts in my own work.

Thursday 7 June 2012

Real and implied triangles

In these six images, three are implied triangles and three are real triangles.

The two trees are real triangles from the base of the leaves to the tip of the leaves. The fact that its kept tidy helps define the triangle shape.

The firemen and the little boy create a triangle on this childrens ride.

 Again this shows a implied triangle, The two men create the outer points while the little boy creates the tip of the triangle.
 The wings of this bird are showing a triangle. Im not sure if this is implied or real, I would be inclined to go more towards implied.
 Real triangle in the climbing frame and implied with the man climbing the frame. I feel its a really good contrast between the two.
 Again this is real triangles shown by the childrens playground aparatus.

Implied lines

The way the breaer goes out to sea draws your eye into the image.

The footsteps coming towards you make you think about where that persons been or what they've been doing.

The rock line draws you to the colourful cliff face at the edge of the image.


There are four images below, two of them are implied diagonals created by putting the camera at an angle, and two are real diagonals. The images created by putting the camera at a diagonal are my preferance, this is because they give a good effect of depth. 

Horizontal and Vertical lines

Positioning a point

The point is in the middle on this image. I personally think it makes the image a bit bland and makes you wonder what is beyond the left hand edge of the frame.

 I like this image most out of all of them.It gives a clear image of all the surroundings and still draws your attention to the main rock out at sea.
This image is nice as the line of the sea draws you to the big rock, but the frame cuts the edge of the image and doesnt give you a clear image of what the rock is and the solitude its in.

Rhythm and patterns

I like the horse image and think it portraits rhythem well. the fact that the horse has just come through the water, leaving a ripple in its wake emphasises this.

The stones represents pattern. although irregular, there is a distinct pattern through the image.


 The river shows the movement and there is a slight curve at the end taking your eye the opposite way.

This image leads your eyes around the bay.

This is one I arranged one day at the beach as a bit of fun!

Again this takes your eye around the bay but is emphasised with the road.