For this section I used two different types of background to be able to see the
difference in shape definition. The first I used was a block of wood out side in
sunlight. I have chosen two images from the many taken which I think show the
shells shape in the best possible way.
Image one has the sunlight coming
form the right and is hitting the
shell directly to the side. The wood
background shows the shells lines
well and you can quite clearly see
the shape this forms. I think its also
a nice texture for the shell to be
sitting on as it contrasts with the
lines on its back.
Image two, has the light again
from the right but this time more to
the rear. Also the sun had faded
slightly making the shadows less
prominent and giving the shape a
more definite line.
I also took images on a plain background in indoor artificial lighting. I used white
instead of black as I thought this might reflect the light back up the shell giving the
sides a stronger line. Again I have picked two images a feel show this best.
In this image the light was directly above
and slightly to the right. Even with the
shadow on the image, the outline and
shape of the object can clearly be seen.
The lighting may be slightly bright and
this has resulted in the background
gaining a slight blue tint, however I feel
this works well against the shells colour
and enhances the overall image.
Image two. This image has a stronger shadow and therefore the tip of the shell
is in a darker place than the rest of the
body. Again I think this works well
within the image. The shape and outline
are again clearly visible and with the
focus being on the centre lines of the
shell the outline is out of focus and gives
the shell a softer appearance.
Out of these two images I prefer this one
as there is a lot more detail in that the
texture is seen more clearly and the
colour differences are shown, all this
while still showing the shape of the